Aloe vera, also known as “Kuwarpatha” in the local language, has great demand in the international market because of medical and its cosmetic uses. Research has proved that aloe vera is being used from the ancient time of “VAIDIK KAAL” by the saga; the “Rushimunies” of ancient Indian culture.
Aloe Vera has plenty of its medical uses in the treatment of many diseases and many cosmetic treatments like the pimple problem, healing skin, skin shining, and much more.
Because of such huge application, there is a great demand of aloe vera in the Ayurvedic industry and is increasing day to day continuously. It is easy and very simple to grow the aloe vera planting for a commercial scale.
Aloe vera once planted, Can give yield about three to five years with three seasons of harvesting each a year. There is no chance of feeding by animals because they are bitter and acrid in tests so not a single animal can destroy your farming.