Sheep Farming

Vegetables Farming In Bengaluru | Vegetables Farming In Mysuru

Vegetable farming is a type of crop production intended primarily for human consumption of the crop's edible parts such as the shoot, leaves, fruits, and roots.Whether the growing of vegetables is intended for fresh consumption, processing, or seed production, it can be a profitable business.

Factors that Determine Successful Vegetable Production :

1. Seed quality; sowing of quality, clean, labeled, graded to size, viable, and healthy seed can make all the difference between success or failure in vegetable farming.
2. Optimal time of sowing/planting; depends on climate and environmental conditions of the specific area, as well as requirements of each crop.
3. Method of planting; the secret to successful vegetable farming lies in the managing of optimal crop requirements, by combining production of transplants in the greenhouses with planting in the field
4.Finally, considering effective farm management is the first step in creating profitable vegetable production. In essence, farming of these colorful crops can be a profitable business.

We supply Kadaknath, Nati Kolis, Organic Milk & Organic Vegetables